Selasa, 24 Februari 2015

Gerard Cosmetics Lightened Lipgloss Swatches and (mini) Review

Hi Beauties! 
Today I want to share swatches from some collection of Gerard Cosmetics Lightened Lipglosses! I've tried 5 of 'em. Salmon, Raspberry Sherbert, Summer Sun, Candy Apple, and Jewel.  I love the packaging! (Am a sucker for cute packaging!)
They have LED light and mirror on their tube. It's so perfect for touch up!^^
These loves are super pigmented and smooth, not sticky and gave a perfect gloss. I'm wearing this 3-4 without touch up.
I've swatches 'em for you beauties, the pictures of these babies are down bellow :))

Front Packaging of Gerard Cosmetics Lightened Lipglosses

The mirror and LED light on their tube

Shades from my GC Lightened Lipglosses collection

My Swatches of some GC Lightened Lipglosses

So, that's all i can share with you beauties. Don't hesitate to ask or put your comment down bellow. Thank you so much for checkin' my blog, hope it will help. XOXO, loves Beebilla :*

Selasa, 03 Februari 2015


Hi Beauties!

Kali ini aku mau share tentang pengalamanku di makeover sama 'The Famous Magic Hand' ALDO AKIRA. Jadi, waktu itu Aldo Akira sempet ngadain #ALDOAKIRAQUIZ di Instagramnya @ALDOAKIRA dan iseng-iseng lah aku coba ikutan. Lucky me! Kak Aldo milih aku sebagai pemenangnya. I'm so happy and really excited! 

Face chart yang jadi panduan buat makeover by Aldo Akira

Sebenernya udah lama banget pengen nyoba di makeup sama Aldo Akira, bahkan sempet kepikiran juga ikutan ALDO AKIRA PRIVATE MAKEUP CLASS-nya yang udah jadiin banyak MUA hits di Indonesia. Sekarang akhirnya kesampaian juga untuk di makeup sama Aldo Akira; The Magic Hand Indonesian Makeup Artist.
This is where all the magic happen ;)
Bentuk mukaku yang chubby dan cenderung bulat emang agak perlu effort saat contouring and highlighting

Contouring and highlighting by Aldo Akira using foundation
Contouring and highlighting by Aldo Akira using loose powder
Selain bentuk muka bulat yang harus diakali, mataku yang agak sipit pun harus dibuat keliatan lebih awake, dan jadilah aku dipakein bulu mata 3 lapis. I'm not wearing  just the regular eyelashes, but those fancy ALDO AKIRA EYELASHES. Buat aku yang emang jaraaaang banget fake lashes, dipakein bulu mata 3 lapis sih harusnya ngerasa ga nyaman banget ya, tapi pas dipakein Aldo Akira Eyelashes ini aku ngerasa nyaman-nyaman aja dan emang hasilnya bagus bangeeet! Pertama aku dipakein Aldo Akira Eyelashes yang seri GAGA, terus dilapisin lagi sama yang seri KIMMY. Nah, sebagai finishingnya, Aldo Akira pakein aku yang seri YOONA tapi dengan teknik PRO-MAKEUP ARTIST yang nempelinnya dari bagian dalam (I need to learn this step from the MAGIC HAND on his private makeup class).

Aldo Akira Eyelashes Series

My eyes wearing GAGA, KIMMY, and YOONA

Aku di makeover cuma selama kurang lebih satu jam, dan itu pun sambil ngobrol dan ketawa ketiwi. Jadi emang bener Aldo Akira itu Magic Hand! Sebentar aja udah bisa bikin makeup yang super duper keren! Selain emang bagus banget hasilnya, makeupnya ini pun bertahan sampai lebih dari 12 jam. Even aku wudhu dan keringetan, tetep aja lho si makeup ini stays in place!

Well, some of my friends said that I've made hundred of girls (or even boys, LOL) out there jealous, but I really appreciate this opportunity from The Magic Hand Aldo Akira. Thanks for your kindness, Kak Aldo. (Pssst, another ALDOAKIRAQUIZ will let you try The Magic Hand of Aldo Akira)^^

XOXO, loves Beebilla :*